Monday, January 19, 2009

Mind/Body Connection

I have always wondered about how the mind/body connection works. I am a religious person and I believe that humans have souls, which are the parts of us that control our mind which in turn controls our body. I know how the mind controls the body (through electrochemical reactions from the brain to nerves in the body basically), but I don't know how the mind controls the brain. I think our mind and our brain are two different things. To me our mind is in the domain of the soul. It is am intangible thing, but still very real. The brain on the other hand is obviously a tangible thing. If you think of a human that is alive as a computer, the brain and body would be the hardware (hard drive, processor, memory, etc.) and the mind would be the software (programming). So if it were possible to take your mind and put it into another body with a diferent physical brain, you would still be the same person. Or would you?

There are three ways the mind/body connection could work. Either the mind controls the body, the body controls the mind, or both influence each other. I have a feeling that they both control each other. I think that the mind influences the body somehow, and the body influences the mind somehow as well. I think this because when you drink wine for instance, the chemicals (alcohol) in the wine change the chemistry in the body and the brain which in turn affects how you act and how you think so therefore the body must be able to influence the mind. Also, if you close your eyes and think about a time when you were really happy, you visualize that time and experience it in your mind as if you were really there again, you get happy, and your brain and body reflect that change in your mood (specific chemicals are released in your brain like dopamine, and seratonin) which was brought on by the thoughts in your mind.

But how does something that's intangible (your mind) influence something that is tangible (your brain)? Is it something kind of like light. Because light which is intangible hits the choloroplasts in plant cells (which are tangible), which causes them to produce food for the plant (with the help of water and carbon dioxide of course). And there are different types of light depending on the wavelength and frequency of the waves contained in the light, and plants can only make food when irradiated by a certain spectrum of light. So could the mind be something like that? Could the mind put out something like a particular "wavelength" for happiness, a different one for sadness, a different one to trigger the release of adrenaline in your brain, a different one to trigger a particular memory, etc.? So then if you have something like alcohol in your brain, does it cause your brain to put out these "wavelengths" that your mind picks up and that's how the brain effects the mind?

Or is it something totally different...maybe something I just can't comprehend yet? I don't know...what do you think?